The Creation District offers a number of different ways to partner as schools, colleges, libraries, and other forms of institutions seeking enrichment for their programs. Choose from the list of current offerings below or contact us to create an individualized program that fits your institution's needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

School Assemblies:

The Creation District will work with each school to create an assembly unique and catered to its need. We specialize in tackling social justice issues and making them relevant and personal so that students can identify with and feel empowered about their involvement. Our team is made up of experts from a full spectrum of backgrounds so we are equipped to look into any subject matter. Some of our most popular topics include Homelessness: National and Local, Becoming an Activist and Global Citizen, Understanding Sex Trafficking, and many more. Call or message us today to design and schedule your school’s custom assembly!

Alternative Community Service:

For schools and programs with community service requirements, the Creation District offers a more interactive and hands-on approach to gaining these hours that goes beyond an afternoon working the soup kitchen or a day of picking up trash by the river. We believe that those who stay connected to the community usually do so by making a human connection and building a real bond. The Creation District offers opportunities for students to fulfill their community service requirements by signing up for a number of our workshops and classes alongside other youth who are experiencing homelessness, grappling with the welfare system, navigating the immigration system and so on. We aim to break down the barriers of privilege by assembling youth from all different backgrounds around the same table to tackle global and community issues. Students will collaborate to compose and present reasoned and fact-based appeals to City Council on social justice issues such as the criminalization of homelessness, create an activist art mural, publish an informative zine, or engage in a Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop. Each workshop series will end with a unique certificate of completion and mastery of a complex subject. Our program challenges the notion that students from privilege are bestowed with the skills to help the less privileged. Instead we gather a diverse group of youth to research and develop leadership as they reach across class divides and dig into the challenges that face our society. Schools can create custom contracts based on number of students, access to workshops, and other individual needs and accommodations.

Spotlight Issues Training and Workshops:

Become trained as an ally to the LGBT community, get an introduction to Trauma Informed Care, take a workshop to learn more about a specific community or global issue.

• Introduction to Trauma Informed Care • House Keys not Handcuffs: The Criminalization of Homelessness in Sacramento • Forum Theatre: Understanding difficult issues through theatrical exercises and reflection • Transformative Play: Learning the power of play through a day of experiencing your inner child